Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

The Unexpected Thing

The Unexpected Thing
Last time, I have told you about the essay that almost killed me . This morning, I submitted my essay. But, I did not meet my lecturer becau...

Twenty-pages Essay that almost killed me

Twenty-pages Essay that almost killed me
Let me share the story of my life. It is about a punishment I got from my mon strous lecturer because of not attending the writing class....
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

Illness that got worse

Illness that got worse
It's been a while since my last post. I've been very busy until I got no time to write an article here. Well, I will start writing a...
Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

How To Solve Traffic Congestion Problem

Illustration of Traffic Congestion Who ever experienced a condition where you cannot drive your vehicle on the road because of the road...
Jumat, 01 Mei 2015

Dapatkan Pulsa GRATIS dari Lockscreen Androidmu!

Hai semuanya! Pada punya pulsa gak ni? Gak punya? Ngomong-ngomong, masih zaman beli pulsa? Hehe ... Ngapain harus beli kalo bisa kita dapatk...