Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

Twenty-pages Essay that almost killed me

Let me share the story of my life. It is about a punishment I got from my monstrous lecturer because of not attending the writing class. The punishment was to make twenty-pages of essay telling the reason why I didn't join the class.

I started doing my assignment from the day before yesterday, and I finished it yesterday. I actually had an event yesterday and I became the committee. So, I did my essay when I did nothing at the event. I meant when there was free time.

Doing that essay made a little bit stress because I did not know what to tell in that twenty-pages essay, while my topic was only about the reason why I did not join the class. So, I added the other topic like my final project plan, the aims of my project, etc. to add more material for my project.

All in all, I just want to conclude that it is better to avoid mistakes, I mean try not to break the rule if you do not want to get punishment. The punishment is never good. It is always torturing. My mind was like going to explode when I was doing that damn thing.

Well, I think that's all.

Perhaps, this article does not contain thesis statement, because it is just like a diary, so I type it without pattern.

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