Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

How To Destroy The Rubbish In A Moment

(Warning : This posting contains a crazy opinion)

Rubbish, The goods which are useless and being dumped. Well, why can the rubbish become a serious problem in maybe all or some countries. The reason is because, some people may be not discipline or lazy to throw the rubbish to the right place. If that's really their reason, they're really crazy!

Well, in my opinion, there are so many ways to destroy the rubbish. But, some of them maybe aren't effective anymore. So, we have to find another way. And I think we can use VOLCANOES as the way out of this problem. If you want to ask how, i'll explain it.

Some countries (especially Indonesia) have so many volcanoes which are still active. Maybe, we can use them to destroy the rubbish by throwing the rubbish into it. As you know, volcano has a very hot temperature which is able to destroy the everything in a moment. So, the rubbish will be gone. Hahaha ... But, I don't know what will happen to the volcano or the environment arround it. I've said that this posting contains a crazy opinion. So, don't be so serious in reading this posting. Hahaha ... But, maybe, if it won't be bad for the volcano and environment arround it, it can be one of the solution.

I've prepared a video from my youtube account to help you understand what I've explained.

I think that's all just my (short) opinion which I can give in this posting. Sorry if this posting contains some mistakes. You can help me to correct it by telling me in the comment box.

Well, thanks coming and also thanks for reading!

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