Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Review Opera Browser BETA

Opera Browser BETA, is a fast and smooth web browser and also easy to use which developed by OPERA SOFTWARE ASA. It can browse at high speed outside 3G coverage with off-road mode. The size is about 16,55 Mega bytes. It supports Android v2.3 device. It doesn't use big size of RAM, CPU and GPU when you use it. And it can load a big size web page in a fast time. Why can this browser do that ?? Because, every web page will be compressed automatically by the developer. So, the page we get is a compressed web page, not a real one.
But, it has some lacks I don't like :
- there is no exit button
- gif picture and counting progress like adf.ly and 4shared can't work. Why ?? I think Because, the page is compressed.
But, for downloading, this web browser always runs fast on my device. And I think, it's better for browsing than Chrome Web Browser.
I hope the lacks will be addresed soon. Because, I've fallen in love to this browser. And, i think many people like this browser, why I say like that ?? You can see 4 stars rated average on Google Play Store.

That's all my review about this browser. Thanks for coming here! And also Thanks for reading!

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