Last time, I have told you about the essay that almost killed me. This morning, I submitted my essay. But, I did not meet my lecturer because I came very early. So, I put my essay on her desk.
After submitting the essay, I went to the canteen. There, I just met my friends. We decided to go to library in order to find some materials for our final project. The library of our department (English Department of Politeknik Negeri Bandung) became our first choise.
At 11.40, My male friends and I went to the mosque because we should do the Friday praying. The female friends stayed in the library. After praying, We took a rest first in Student Center building. There, one of my friends notified me that the writing lecturer had just checked my work (twenty-pages essay). She said that my essay was great. She also approved the topic for my final project that I explained in the essay. That time, I felt like I was flying. I mean I was so happy that time. I got combo happiness (compliment and approval). I really did not expect that at all.
After taking a break, my friends and I decided to continue the search of material for our final project in the Library of Indonesia University of Education (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), mostly known as UPI. And I became really interested in finding the material.
Well, that's what I want to share this time.
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