I am going to tell you a little information for you who like to capture some picture. The name is Vignette. Vignette is an app for adding effect to the photo which you've just captured. Actually, I've got this app so many months ago. But, I've just wanted to share it XD . This app is good for you who like to cature a memorial picture. The size is about 200 - 300 kb. You can see the example :


You can add effect like sephia, holga-style, snapshot, redscale, etc. Or maybe, you don't want to give any effects just choose normal.
I think this little information is enough. Thanks for reading it !!


You can add effect like sephia, holga-style, snapshot, redscale, etc. Or maybe, you don't want to give any effects just choose normal.
I think this little information is enough. Thanks for reading it !!
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