The Unexpected Thing Last time, I have told you about the essay that almost killed me . This morning, I submitted my essay. But, I did not meet my lecturer becau...
Twenty-pages Essay that almost killed me Let me share the story of my life. It is about a punishment I got from my mon strous lecturer because of not attending the writing class....
Illness that got worse It's been a while since my last post. I've been very busy until I got no time to write an article here. Well, I will start writing a...
How To Solve Traffic Congestion Problem Illustration of Traffic Congestion Who ever experienced a condition where you cannot drive your vehicle on the road because of the road...
Dapatkan Pulsa GRATIS dari Lockscreen Androidmu! Hai semuanya! Pada punya pulsa gak ni? Gak punya? Ngomong-ngomong, masih zaman beli pulsa? Hehe ... Ngapain harus beli kalo bisa kita dapatk...